Cookie policy

On this page, you will find information about what cookies are, what we use them for, and with whom we share this information.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small file placed on your device (e.g computer or mobile phone) when you visit a website. Cookies are used to make your use of the website easier as well as provide business and marketing information to the website operator.

Types of Cookies

There is a distinction between session cookies and perpetual cookies.

Session cookies allow actions to be tracked during a single browser session. They are deleted from your device when you close the browser. Perpetual (or persistent) cookies remain on your device between sessions and allow a website to recognise a user on their return and to remember their preferences, they will remain stored on your device until deleted or they reach a specified expiry date.

Session and persistent cookies can be either first or third-party cookies – a first-party cookie is set by the website being visited (i.e. A third-party cookie is issued by a party other than website being visited.

With whom do we share the information we gather/track?

– We share the information we gather, in aggregate form, with Google for analytics purposes. We will not release personal information about you as an individual to Google.

For further information about data protection please refer to our Privacy Policy.